Dollars & Sense

You may say to yourselves, “I became wealthy because of my own ability and strength.” But remember the Lord your God is the one who makes you wealthy. He’s confirming the promise which he swore to your ancestors. It’s still in effect today.

Deuteronomy 8:17-18



Being wise with money isn’t always something that comes naturally to us. For a lot of us, it’s something we really have to work at! Something that’s been formative for my family and I, is to remember that what money we do have, is God’s money and He’s allowing us to use it. Also, it’s helpful to remember that Christianity is neither centered around money, nor is the Kingdom of God further spread by simply spending or saving money wisely. Money is a tool, but it’s not the most important tool. Let’s not allow it to consume us or our relationship with Christ. Afterall, we can’t very well use our credit cards or the Dave Ramsey cash system in Heaven. 🙂


Frugal Living



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